Graduation Survival Kits

It's that time of year again! I enjoy making survival kits for my seniors and as gifts for graduation parties we attend each summer (along with a gas gift card for their journey in life). I begin by collecting items for the kit and then place them in a craft/goodie bag. I print greeting cards on 81/2 x 11 card stock. This year I found a cute keepsake box and told each student this is where they "must stash" their important items!
Here is the printable Survival Kit greeting card.
These are the items for the kits
Confetti - to celebrate your accomplishments
Eraser – because everyone makes mistakes
Band-Aid – to protect you from life’s scrapes
Sponge – to absorb life’s beautiful memories
Paper clip – to help you keep it together
Seeds – to bloom where you are planted
Rubber Band – remember to be flexible
Wiggly Eyes – to look for opportunities
Cotton Ball - to find a soft place to fall
Clothespin - to help you hang in there
Marble - to keep things rolling in life
Stars - so you never stop dreaming
Pencil – to make your mark in life
Penny – so you’ll never be broke
Kleenex – to soak up your tears
Gum – remember to stick with it
Key – to unlock your potential
Candle - to help light the way
Acorn - for good luck